虽然医疗的进步已经能够大幅度提高癌病患者的生存率和延长他们的寿命,但因为病毒潜伏在身体的各个部位,无法彻底治愈,因此病人需要终生服药。现在,却接二连三传来捷报:艾滋病被治愈了!艾滋病宝宝神奇地痊愈了美国密西西比大学医学中心的Hannah Gay医生称,他及其团队“治愈”了一名2岁半大的艾滋病患儿。如果孕妇患有艾滋病,那么在妊娠期间使用抗逆转录病毒药物,能够使宝宝感染艾滋病的几率从40%下降至5%。如果,宝宝还是感染了艾滋病病毒,那么一般会用一种抗逆转录病毒药物来治疗。但在此次病例中,
Although advances in medicine have been able to dramatically increase cancer patients’ survival and extend their life expectancy, patients need lifelong medication because the virus lurks throughout the body and can not be completely cured. Now, one after another reported: AIDS has been cured! AIDS baby magically healed the United States University of Mississippi Medical Center, said Dr. Hannah Gay, he and his team “cured” a 2-and-a-half-year-old children with AIDS . If pregnant women have AIDS, using antiretroviral drugs during pregnancy can reduce the baby’s chances of getting HIV from 40% to 5%. If the baby is still infected with HIV, it is usually treated with an antiretroviral drug. However, in this case,