近几年来 ,一些发达国家不断将高、新、尖技术应用到农业机械上来 ,使农业机械向智能化发展。耕作机械智能化。美国东伦敦综合技术学院土地管理系研制成功一种激光拖拉机 ,利用激光计算机导航装置 ,不仅能够准确无误地测定其所在位置及运行方向 ,使误差不超过25厘米 ,而且能
In recent years, some developed countries have continuously applied high, new and advanced technologies to agricultural machinery to make them develop intelligently. Tillage machinery intelligent. East London Institute of Technology Land Management Department successfully developed a laser tractor, the use of laser computer navigation device, not only be able to accurately determine its location and direction of operation, so that the error does not exceed 25 cm, and can