目的探索铁路伙食团中安全的控鼠措施。方法随机选取天津铁路辖区内5所伙食团,分别观察电子驱鼠器使用前后的驱鼠效果。结果 5个伙食团平均鼠密度为10.03%,电子驱鼠器连续使用1 d后的伙食团平均鼠密度为8.56%,连续使用7 d后的伙食团平均鼠密度为1.84%。结论电子驱鼠器起效速度慢,但随着使用时间变长,效果逐渐增加;电子驱鼠器简单实用,成本较低,在对灭鼠和安全性有双重要求的场所适宜推广使用。
Objective To explore the safe control measures of rats in the railway food group. Methods Randomly select 5 food groups in the jurisdiction area of Tianjin Railway to observe the effect of driving rats before and after using the electronic repeller. Results The average rat density was 10.03% for the five diet groups. The average rat density was 8.56% after 1 d continuous use of the electronic repeller and the average rat density was 1.84% after 7 days of continuous use. Conclusions The electronic pest repeller has a slow onset of action, but its effect gradually increases with the prolonged use of the pest repeller. The electronic pest repeller is simple and practical with low cost and is suitable for promotion and use in places where there is a double demand for rodent control and safety.