已经过去的2003年,我国经济发展 势头良好,GDP增长率达到9.1%。在经济 快速增长中,金融运行情况基本正常。 当前金融市场存在的问题较多,其中 主要有银行体系不完善,国有独资银行一 统天下的格局基本未变,股份制银行、民 营银行处于起步阶段,比重不大;银行资 产质量不高,不良资产严重的局面没有根 本好转;直接融资比重下降,储蓄存款大
The past 2003 has witnessed a sound economic development in our country, with a GDP growth rate of 9.1%. In the rapid economic growth, the financial operation is basically normal. At present, there are many problems in the financial market, including the imperfect banking system, basically unchanged state-owned banks dominated the world, joint-stock banks and private banks in the initial stage, the proportion is not large; bank assets are not high quality, serious non-performing assets The situation has not fundamentally improved; the proportion of direct financing declined, large savings deposits