
来源 :外语教学理论与实践 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoshumin82
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学术论文较为系统的评价研究始于Hunston(1989),虽起步较晚,却随着学术论文人际意义研究的日渐繁荣而倍受关注。评价理论的诞生更是对其起到了推波助澜的作用。该领域研究较少关注学术论文较强的隐性评价特质。如何识别学术论文中的隐性评价?其显性评价和隐性评价又是什么样的关系?本文基于Hunston和Hood等人的研究试图探讨隐性评价在学术论文中的特点及其识别,以期更加全面地认识学术论文的评价本质。文章将学术论文隐性评价的识别归结为三类:语言层面的比较、共享价值观的设定以及显性评价的辅助。 The systematic review of academic dissertations began with Hunston (1989), which started late but became a subject of great concern as the research on the interpersonal significance of dissertations progressed. The birth of the evaluation theory has played a role in fueling it. Few studies in this field focus on the strong implicit evaluation features of academic papers. How to identify the implicit evaluation in academic papers? What is the relationship between explicit evaluation and implicit evaluation? Based on the research of Hunston and Hood et al., This paper attempts to explore the characteristics and identification of implicit evaluation in academic papers, A more comprehensive understanding of the nature of the evaluation of academic papers. The article summarizes the recognition of the implicit evaluation of academic papers into three categories: comparison of language level, the setting of shared values ​​and the aid of explicit evaluation.
在几米的世界里    很难用具体的语言来描述,对于几米的绘画。  只记得第一次与之邂逅时,是惊喜,惊喜怎么有这样的一个美丽世界!遂一路寻去,要寻出所有的美丽,在阳光底下。  这时才发现,很多的图像、很多的声音、很多的情感,都似曾相识,却又陌生得不敢认。  几米把身边俯拾皆是的东西,用图画一一再现;我们认为不值一文的东西,在他是价值连城,而经他的笔下流淌出来,果真是价值连城!   天地万物,本在我们
目的:通过对成人尸头的解剖和测量,研究颅眶交界区域显微解剖,为临床手术治疗该区病变提供解剖学依据,增加手术安全性,减少手术并发症。   方法:对10例(20侧)成人尸头湿性标本进行