蕉藕又名“蕉芋”、“姜芋”,美人蕉科,多年生草本.茎直立粗壮,紫色,叶长椭圆形,上面绿色,背面常紫色.总状花序疏散,单生或分叉,基部有阔鞘,花通常两朵聚生,鲜红色呈瘤状.用块茎繁殖.据了解,我国长江以南各地有少量种植.块茎是喂猪的好饲料,还可磨淀粉作粉条等供人食用. 六十年代初,我县从外地引进后,通过种植试验、喂养试验和产量测定,已探明蕉藕有以下优点: 一、营养物质含量较高.块茎、茎、叶的营养含量都较高,据测定块茎的淀粉含量为18—30%,
Banana lotus also known as “banana”, “ginger”, canna Branch, perennial herb .Stems erect stout, purple, long oval leaves, above the green, abercrombie, back often purple. Racemes evacuate, solitary or forked, base Cotyledons, flowers are usually two Poly students, bright red tumorous tuber propagation It is understood that there are a small amount of planting around the south of the Yangtze River, tubers are good feed for pigs, but also ground starch for vermicelli for people In the early 1960s, after the introduction of our county from the field, it has been proved that the banana root has the following advantages through the planting test, the feeding experiment and the yield determination: First, the nutrient content is higher, and the nutrient content of tubers, stems and leaves Higher, it is determined that the starch content of tubers is 18-30%