根据多年的教学实践与经验 ,笔者认为要上好数学课 ,抓好以下几点是必不可少的。 1 把好关键环节 在教学过程中 ,教师必须吃透教材 ,弄清知识之间的内在联系以及新旧知识之间的联系 ,对能牵动全局的知识点 ,以及对后面的教学起决定性作用的环节 ,在教学中采取相应的措施
According to many years of teaching practice and experience, the author believes that it is indispensable to do a good mathematics class and do the following. 1 In the teaching process, teachers must thoroughly understand the intrinsic relationship between knowledge and the link between old and new knowledge in the teaching process. They must be able to influence the overall knowledge and play a decisive role in the following teaching. Take appropriate measures in teaching