围绕两个根本转变 搞活整个国有经济——中国体改研究会1996年年会述要

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1996年5月,中国体改研究会1996年年会在厦门召开,现将会议的主要观点简介如下。1、实现经济增长方式转变的关键是深化体制改革与会代表指出,经济增长方式转变在计划经济国家及其改革的过程中,已经提出了许多年,但一直未能取得明显的成效。这其中有很复杂的原因,但最根本的原因是体制改革不到位,没有实现经济体制的根本转变。我国在改革前后也曾多次提出过转变增长方式的问题,包括“外延与内涵”、“速度与效益”、“数量与质量”和“粗放与集约”等不同的提法,其实质都是一致的,就是要提高经济增长的质量和效益。但由于改革至今尚没有到位,这一转 In May 1996, the annual meeting of the China Body Reform Seminar in 1996 was held in Xiamen. The main points of the meeting are summarized as follows. 1. The Key to Realizing the Transformation of Economic Growth Mode is to Deepen the System Reform The delegates pointed out that the transformation of the mode of economic growth has been proposed for many years in the process of the planned economy and its reform but it has failed to achieve obvious results. There are very complicated reasons for this. However, the most fundamental reason is that the system reform is not in place and there is no fundamental change in the economic system. Before and after the reform, our country also put forward many questions on how to change the mode of growth, including “extension and connotation”, “speed and benefit”, “quantity and quality” and “extensiveness and intensiveness” Consistent, it is to improve the quality and efficiency of economic growth. However, since the reform is still not in place, this turnaround
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