秋芹菜栽培在华北地区一般在6月中下旬至7月上旬播种育苗,8月上中旬定植,至立冬前后采收。 种植秋芹菜应选用如津南实芹等实心品种。 育苗地应选择排水好、土质疏松肥沃的沙壤土,做成慢跑水畦,并做好排灌水沟,畦面要平整。播前10~15天苗床施足底肥;为了防草欺苗,需多次翻耕灭草,或播种后芹菜萌芽前,畦面用25%可湿性除草醚50~200倍液喷洒,每亩500克。每亩用种量200~300克,1亩大田需准备11平方米的阳畦10~11个,每畦播种子20~30克。播种前7天,种子用凉水浸12~24小时,捞起用手反复揉搓,搓破革蜡质种皮,于15~20℃条件下见光催芽,或放在凉爽的空屋内,垫上湿麻袋,薄薄铺一层种子,每天洒水保湿并翻动2次,经6~7天,50%种子“奴嘴”时即可播种。播
Autumn celery cultivation in North China generally in late June to early July sow seedlings planted in mid August, harvest before and after the beginning of winter. Planting autumn celery should be used, such as Jinnan real celery and other solid varieties. Breeding should choose a good drainage, loose loam sandy loam soil, made of water jogger, and irrigation and drainage ditch, noodles to be smooth. Before sowing 10-15 days before the seedbed applied to the foot of fertilizer; in order to prevent grass bully seedlings, the need to repeatedly tillage weeds, or sowing celery before sowing, noodles with 25% wet weeder 50 to 200 times spraying, mu 500 g. The amount of 200 ~ 300 grams per mu with 1 acres of fields need to prepare 11 square meters of Yang Zhen 10 to 11, each sowing seeds 20 to 30 grams. 7 days before sowing, seed with cold water soak for 12 to 24 hours, picked up the hand repeatedly rub, rub the broken leather seed coat, at 15 ~ 20 ℃ see the light under the conditions of germination, or on the cool empty house, mat wet bags , Thinly spread a layer of seed, watering and moisturizing each day and flip 2 times, after 6 to 7 days, 50% of the seeds “slave mouth” can be sown. broadcast