委员长、各位副委员长、秘书长、各位委员: 在今年3月召开的第八届全国人民代表大会第二次会议上,我曾作了《关于1993年国家预算执行情况和1994年国家预算草案的报告》。现在,1993年国家决算已经编成,我受国务院委托,向会议提出1993年国家决算的报告,请予审查。 1993年,各地区、各部门深入贯彻党的十四大精神,积极落实中央加强和改善宏观调控的各项措施,改革开放和现代化建设取得重大成就,城乡人民生活继续得到改善,各项社会事业进一步发展,各方面工作都出现了新的局面。在此基础上,国家财政收支都有较大幅度增长,财政赤字没有突
Chairmen, Vice Chairmen, Secretaries-General and Members: At the second meeting of the Eighth National People’s Congress in March this year, I made the following statement: “On the implementation of the state budget in 1993 and the state budget in 1994 Draft report ”. Now that the 1993 national accounts have been compiled, I am entrusted by the State Council to submit a report on the 1993 state accounts to the meeting for examination. In 1993, all localities and departments thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress, actively implemented the central authorities’ various measures to strengthen and improve macro-control over the country, made major achievements in reform and opening up and the modernization drive, and the urban and rural people’s living conditions continued to improve. All social undertakings For further development, a new situation has emerged in all aspects of work. On this basis, the state’s fiscal revenue and expenditure have all witnessed a substantial increase, while the fiscal deficit has not risen sharply