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通过基质盆栽冬小麦 ,研究了氮硫交互作用对小麦苗期生长及养分吸收的影响。研究结果表明 ,氮、硫对苗期小麦的生长都有一定影响 ,氮的增产效果远大于硫 ,当氮肥用量为 2 0 0mg/盆时 ,小麦生物量的最大增产幅度 89% ;在低氮水平下 ,硫肥的增产效果最佳 ,最高可增产12 %。硫肥的施用可以提高苗期小麦植株体内硫的累积量 ,在氮素胁迫的情况下最为显著 ,可提高 1倍以上 ;同时降低植株体内氮的累积 ,但降低幅度不大。氮素充足时 ,地上部与地下部生物量之比为 2 4~ 3 9,氮素胁迫条件下 ,小麦的地上部和地下部的生物量相当 ,说明氮素养分不足时 ,小麦合成的有机物质更倾向于分配给根系 ,促进根系的生长 ,这可能是小麦抵抗胁迫环境条件的生理机制之一。 The effects of nitrogen and sulfur interactions on wheat seedling growth and nutrient uptake were studied by basal potting of winter wheat. The results showed that nitrogen and sulfur all had certain effects on the growth of wheat at seedling stage, and the yield increase of nitrogen was much larger than that of sulfur. When the nitrogen fertilizer was 200 mg / pot, the maximum yield of wheat biomass was 89% The level of sulfur fertilizer yield the best, up to 12% increase. The application of sulfur fertilizer could increase the accumulation of sulfur in the seedling stage of wheat plants, which was the most significant in the case of nitrogen stress, which could be increased by more than 1 folds; meanwhile, the accumulation of nitrogen in the plant was reduced, but the decrease was not obvious. When sufficient nitrogen was available, the ratio of biomass to above-ground and below-ground biomass was 24 ~ 39. Under nitrogen stress, the biomass of above-ground and below-ground parts of wheat was comparable, indicating that when the nitrogen nutrient was insufficient, Materials are more likely to be distributed to the root system and promote the growth of the root system, which may be one of the physiological mechanisms for wheat to resist the environmental conditions of stress.
目的:探讨开塞露灌肠在救治急性有机磷农药中毒患者的临床效果。方法:将2010年4~12月89例口服有机磷农药患者设为对照组1,采用常规处理,即洗胃加20%甘露醇500 ml胃管内注入导
目的 优化护理人员梯队合作,深化优质护理内涵,提高患者满意度.方法 构建肝胆外科感动式护理工作模式.结果 护士对感动式护理工作模式反馈量表认同率为85.5%;实施前后在特护、
实验室恒温密闭培养法研究了 4种培肥措施连续培肥 2 3年后农田土壤的CO2 释放状况及其动力学特征。结果表明 ,含水量 12 %至 2 4%范围内 ,土壤CO2 释放过程完全可以用一级反应动力学方程 y =A0 (1-e-kt)进行定量描述 (r2 =0 9812~ 0 995 9,P <0 0 1) ;土壤CO2 释放量和潜在可释放C量A0 随含水量增加呈线性增加 (r2 =0 972
在洛南不同区域、不同时期的试验结果表明 ,限制核桃芽接成活率的主要制约因子包括气温 (嫁接期 )、接前放水、复叶保留和嫁接速度 ;制约因子的有效控制为 :适宜嫁接期为 6月
海岛棉半配生殖品系 v Sg( virescentlymarked semigamy line)能够高频率产生单倍体。利用 v Sg作母本可以有效地诱导产生单倍体。而在 v Sg与目标组合的杂交后代群体植株的
老参地问题是制约参业发展的重大难题 ,笔者在总结前人关于老参地研究成果和经验的基础上 ,采取了测土施肥、有益微生物菌剂处理、酸碱度调整等土壤处理方法 ,成功地实现了老