普希金的《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》(有人译为《欧根·奥涅金》,可简称《奥涅金》),是一部用诗体写成的长篇小说。 这部作品从1823年作者流放在南方时开始写起,到1830年作者在波尔金诺的“多产的秋季”完成,写作时间共达八年之久。 值得注意的是:这八年,正是作者逐步走向人民,经历着艰苦的思想探索的重要时期;而这作品,则是他得以屹立诗坛的名篇,所作的几乎是他全部创作的辉煌总结。正因为如此,所以这部作品就不仅是诗人个性的鲜明表现,而且是时代风貌的机敏的反映。关于这一点,别林斯基曾在《论
Pushkin’s “Yevgeny Onegin” (sometimes translated as “Eugen Onegin”, or “Onegin” for short) is a novel written in verse. The work began with the exile of the author in 1823 in the South and by 1830 in the “prolific Fall” in Porquinno, writing for eight years. It is noteworthy that in these eight years, it is the author’s important step toward the people and the hard exploration of his thoughts. This work is a famous piece of poetry that he has been able to stand in the poetic world. His works are almost a brilliant summary of all his creations . Because of this, the work is not only a vivid manifestation of the poet’s personality, but also an alert reflection of the style of the times. On this point, Belinsky was “on.”