摘要 对苏打盐碱地水稻秆腐菌核病病原进行了分离、鉴定和生物学特性的研究。结果表明,该病原菌菌核黑色圆球状,表面凸凹形态,直径164~309 μm,内部褐色拟薄壁组织;分生孢子淡褐色,1~3个隔膜,大小为(32~76)μm×(5~22)μm;无性世代为Nakataea sigmoidea,有性世代为Magnaporthe salvinii。病原菌在25~30 ℃时生长较好,利用鼠李糖(P<0.05)、硝酸钙(P<0.05)和硫酸锌(P<0.01)能力最强,在利用碳氮源和微量元素方面,与弱酸性和寒冷地水稻秆腐菌核病病原存在差异。
关键词 苏打盐碱地; 水稻秆腐菌核病; 病原; 菌核; 特性
中图分类号: S 435.111
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.05291542.2015.06.012
Abstract The biological characteristics of the pathogen causing sclerotiniose blight of rice stem rot was isolated, identified, and studied. The results showed that the pathogenic fungus sclerotia was black, knaggy, globular outside, 164-309 μm in diameter, and brown inside, and the pathogenic conidia were light brown, 1-3 septates, and (32-76)μm×(5-22)μm in size. The pathogenic asexual generation was Nakataea sigmoidea, and the sexual generation was Magnaporthe salvinii. The optimum temperature was from 25 ℃ to 30 ℃ for growth of the pathogen. Rhamnose (P<0.05), calcium nitrate (P<0.05), and zinc sulfate (P<0.01)had significant promoting effect on the growth of the mycelia. The pathogen showed difference in the utilization of carbon source, nitrogen source, and microelements from the pathogens from nonsodium bicarbonate soils.
Key words sodium bicarbonate soil; sclerotiniose blight of rice stem rot; pathogen; sclerotia; characteristics
水稻秆腐菌核病是于1876年在欧洲的意大利首次发现[1]。随后,在全世界各大洲水稻种植区陆续都有报道[14]。1964年,在我国台湾省首次发现[1]。之后,在南方稻区,并逐渐在东北各省的稻区被发现[510]。意大利学者Cattaneo描述了水稻秆腐菌核病病原的菌核形态,并将其命名为Sclerotium oryzae Catt.,随后又通过多个学者的反复修正,不断演变[1,10]。直至目前,此病害病原的无性繁殖阶段被确定为半知菌Nakataea sigmoidea (Cavara) Hara,或者N.irregular Hara;有性繁殖阶段为子囊菌Magnaporthe salvinii (Catt.) R.A.Krause
关键词 苏打盐碱地; 水稻秆腐菌核病; 病原; 菌核; 特性
中图分类号: S 435.111
文献标识码: A
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.05291542.2015.06.012
Abstract The biological characteristics of the pathogen causing sclerotiniose blight of rice stem rot was isolated, identified, and studied. The results showed that the pathogenic fungus sclerotia was black, knaggy, globular outside, 164-309 μm in diameter, and brown inside, and the pathogenic conidia were light brown, 1-3 septates, and (32-76)μm×(5-22)μm in size. The pathogenic asexual generation was Nakataea sigmoidea, and the sexual generation was Magnaporthe salvinii. The optimum temperature was from 25 ℃ to 30 ℃ for growth of the pathogen. Rhamnose (P<0.05), calcium nitrate (P<0.05), and zinc sulfate (P<0.01)had significant promoting effect on the growth of the mycelia. The pathogen showed difference in the utilization of carbon source, nitrogen source, and microelements from the pathogens from nonsodium bicarbonate soils.
Key words sodium bicarbonate soil; sclerotiniose blight of rice stem rot; pathogen; sclerotia; characteristics
水稻秆腐菌核病是于1876年在欧洲的意大利首次发现[1]。随后,在全世界各大洲水稻种植区陆续都有报道[14]。1964年,在我国台湾省首次发现[1]。之后,在南方稻区,并逐渐在东北各省的稻区被发现[510]。意大利学者Cattaneo描述了水稻秆腐菌核病病原的菌核形态,并将其命名为Sclerotium oryzae Catt.,随后又通过多个学者的反复修正,不断演变[1,10]。直至目前,此病害病原的无性繁殖阶段被确定为半知菌Nakataea sigmoidea (Cavara) Hara,或者N.irregular Hara;有性繁殖阶段为子囊菌Magnaporthe salvinii (Catt.) R.A.Krause