依托资源优势 大力发展松香生产

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松香是重要的工业原料,是我国大宗的出口产品之一。松香工业既是国民经济中不可缺少的一项投入少、见效快的高附加值产业,又是构成造林营林、木材生产、林产工业、多种经营“四根支柱”的有机体。发展松香生产,可以充分合理地利用森林资源,扩展森林的应用价值,是提高林业经济效益的一个重要途径,也是林区群众迅速脱贫致富的一条重要生产门路。党和国家历来十分重视松香生产的发展。50年代,党中央曾为增产松香下达过具体指标。60年代,国务院制定了固定松林,固定劳力,建立松脂林场,逐步实现原料基地化的方针。80年代,国务院又发出了关于加强松香集中统一管理的通知。在党和国家的关怀下,经过广大林业职工和林区各族群众的努力,我国松香生产有了很大发展。如今,全国已有松香厂279个,生产能力达72万吨(松香年产量 Rosin is an important industrial raw material, is one of China’s bulk export products. Rosin industry is not only an indispensable low-cost and quick-acting high value-added industry in the national economy, but also an organism that forms the “four pillars” of afforestation, timber production, forestry industry and diversification. The development of rosin production can make full and rational use of forest resources and extend the application value of forests, which is an important way to improve the economic benefits of forestry. It is also an important path of production for the people in forest areas to quickly get out of poverty and get rich. The party and the state have always attached great importance to the development of rosin production. In the 1950s, the Party Central Committee issued specific targets for increasing rosin production. In the 1960s, the State Council formulated the policy of fixing pine forests, fixing labor force, establishing rosin forest farms, and gradually realizing the base of raw materials. In the 1980s, the State Council also issued a circular on strengthening centralized and unified management of rosin. Under the care of the party and the state, through the efforts of the broad masses of forestry workers and people of all ethnic groups in the forest region, rosin production in our country has greatly developed. Today, the country has rosin plant 279, the production capacity of 720,000 tons (annual output of rosin
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