江湖上,在三分线外被汉密尔顿的“试探步”耍得团团转的人不计其数,结果对手不是被他在三分线外原地跳投就地正法,就是被趁隙切入在自己面前一记跳投或直接上篮。因此吃过大亏的人,当RIP一摆出“持球在左腰,右脚作势向右切”的试探步标准起手式时,个个如坐针毡,防切也不是,防他跳投也不安。既然他的右脚总是要内外来回伸缩一两次,防守者灵机一动:“那不妨不理他第一次的右跨动作,免得被耍得重心跟着摆?”嗯,Good idea!But……当我说But的时候,就要注意听了,本招前三图动作,就是汉密尔顿专治那些自以为聪明的家伙,名唤“单发试探步”。
Rivers and lakes, beyond the 3-point line by Hamilton’s “temptation ” countless people playing round-robin, the result is not his opponent by jumper outside the arc outside of the local law, is to be cut into the gap In front of a jumper or layup. So eat a big loss, when RIP a “put the ball in the left lumbar, right foot cut to the right,” the test of the standard steps, such as pins and needles, cut is not, prevent him jumper Also restless. Since his right foot is always stretching back and forth one or two times inside and out, the defender has an idea: “Well, he might as well ignore his first right-hand cross-action so he does not have to be gravity-focused.” But ... When I say But, we must pay attention to hear, this move the first three moves, that is, Hamilton specializes in those who think smart guy, named “single test step ”.