金绿宝石的名字对于大多数人来说可能较为陌生,但是一提到“猫眼”则是家喻户晓。其实“猫眼”只是金绿宝石大家族中的一员而已。 金绿宝石的英文名称为Chrysoberyl,是一种含有铍(Be)和铝(Al)元素的氧化物。因其具有独特的黄绿一金
The name of Emerald may be unfamiliar to most people, but when it comes to Cat’s Eye it is widely known. In fact “Cat’s Eye ” is only a member of the large family of gold emerald only. Emerald English name for Chrysoberyl, is a beryllium (Be) and aluminum (Al) oxide elements. Because of its unique yellow-green gold