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导言最近建成并投入运用的北上编组站是日本国营铁路的一个自动化驼峰编组站。该编组站位于东北新于线的北上车站以南3.5公里处,这里是日本降雪量较大的地区之一。北上编组站是日本东北地区的一个地方性编组站,由原有的龙田、气仙沼、北上和盛冈等小型编组站合并而成。在1978年10月开通使用之前,已经过了一系列的自动化试验,见图1。该编组站每天可以编解2,000辆货车。由于使用了线性牵引电机,因而节省了大量的车辆编解作业用的劳力;同时编组作业的安全性及可靠性也得到了充分的保障。堪称为日本仅次于武芷野编组站的第二个全自动化编组站。1978年10月,该自动化编组站全部完工之后, Introduction The Kitakami Marshalling Station, recently completed and put into operation, is an automated hump marshalling yard for the Japanese state-owned railway. The marshalling yard is located 3.5 km south of Niigata Station on Shinsei-ro, Tokyo, one of Japan’s most heavily snow-capped areas. Kitakami Marshalling Station is a regional marshalling yard in the northeastern region of Japan, which was formed by the merger of small marshalling stations such as the original Longtian, Kesennuma, Kitakami and Morioka. Before its launch in October 1978, a series of automated tests had been completed, see Figure 1. The marshalling station can compile 2,000 trucks per day. Due to the use of a linear traction motor, thus saving a lot of labor for vehicle compilation operations; the same time, grouping operations, safety and reliability are also fully protected. Known as the second fully automated marshalling yard in Japan after the Chih-mao marshalling station. In 1978 October, after the completion of the automation marshalling station,