该机构设计灵感多来自于街头文化的影响,为了寻找新的创意组合,他们擅长从不同的元素组合里寻求灵感,例如街头艺术、设计、图表、插图,以及涂鸦Remy和Julien是两个好朋友,同时也是两位泰拳冠军,他们共同经营着这家泰拳馆。Remy和Julien希望设计师设计一间与众不同的泰拳馆,这里的氛围应该是友好而舒适的,而“交流”则是这个项目的核心所在。La belle equipe泰拳馆位于Art Nouveau大楼的中心区域,Remy和Julien两个好朋友同时也是两位泰拳冠军,共同开
Inspired by street culture, the agency is inspired by the street culture. In search of a new creative mix, they specialize in finding inspiration from different elemental combinations, such as street art, design, graphics, illustrations, and graffiti. Remy and Julien are two good friends , But also two Muay Thai champion, they co-operate the Muay Thai Museum. Remy and Julien want designers to design a distinctive Thai Boxing Hall, the atmosphere here should be friendly and comfortable, and “communication” is at the heart of the project. La belle equipe The Muay Thai Gymnasium is located in the heart of the Art Nouveau building. Two friends from Remy and Julien are also two Muaythai champions.