为促进我国焊管行业的信息交流和技术水平的提高 ,让新技术、新产品尽快地在焊管厂家得到应用 ,以达到节能、降耗、增产增效的目的。由济南金品磁棒有限公司 (原济南高频焊接磁棒厂 )、济南磁学应用技术研究所发起主办、国内十多家高频设备及配件厂家协助联办的国内焊管行业信?
In order to promote the exchange of information in China’s pipe industry and improve the technical level, so that new technologies, new products as soon as possible in the pipe manufacturers to be applied in order to achieve energy saving, lower consumption, increase production and efficiency purposes. Jinan Gold Products Co., Ltd. from the magnet (Jinan high-frequency welding Rod Factory), Jinan Institute of Applied Magnetic Technology initiated hosting more than 10 domestic high-frequency equipment and accessories manufacturers to assist the joint management of the domestic pipe industry letter?