三苯氧胺(TAM)是目前治疗乳癌最常用药物。它是非甾类抗雌檄素药。临床上大多采用TAM 10mg每日二次给药,但其药动学却表明20mg每日一次与之具有等价效应。作者分别测量了TAM和其代谢物N-去甲基三苯氧胺(N—dMT)在不同给药方式后0~24小时时药动举参数(见表1)。
Tamoxifen (TAM) is currently the most commonly used drug for the treatment of breast cancer. It is a non-steroidal anti-estrogenic drug. Most of the clinical use of TAM 10mg twice daily dosing, but its pharmacokinetics shows that 20mg once a day has an equivalent effect. The authors measured the kinetic parameters of drug lifting of TAM and its metabolite N-demethyl tamoxifen (N-dMT) at 0-24 hours after different modes of administration (see Table 1).