亚洲地大物博,文化悠久,人多势众,勤劳俭朴。 当今亚洲各国都已摆脱殖民主义枷锁,走上独立自主发展的道路,封建主义的影响也大力减弱,又正赶上世界新科技革命全方位、高速度大发展的新时代和新潮流。在新科技革命的推动下,世界经济将朝着市场化、集团化、区域化、一体化的方向发展。已经站起来了的正在昂首阔步独立自主向前迈进的亚洲各国,如果能够顺应世界历史潮流,善于处理各种内部矛盾,加强联合与合作,必将迅速振兴,突飞猛进,急起直追,迎头赶上,不让欧美,跃居前列,为世界的和平与发展做出应有的贡献。此所谓天时、地利、人和,三元齐备,万象更新。
Asia boast a long history and culture, with a large population, hardworking and frugal. Nowadays, all countries in Asia have escaped the shackles of colonialism and embarked on the path of independent development. The influence of feudalism has also been greatly weakened and they are now catching up with the new era and trend of the all-round, high-speed development of the world’s new scientific and technological revolution. Driven by the revolution in science and technology, the world economy will move toward marketization, collectivization, regionalization and integration. Those countries in Asia that are already standing up and striding forward independently and independently will be able to rejuvenate rapidly if they are able to adapt to the trend of the world history, be good at dealing with all kinds of internal conflicts and strengthen their cooperation and cooperation. They will catch up by leaps and bounds and catching up to catch up with Europe and the United States In the forefront, make due contributions to world peace and development. This so-called weather, geography, and, three yuan ready, Vientiane update.