《检察日报》2003年4月17日报道,四川省成都市金牛区人民检察院在制作起诉书时,比一般的起诉书多了一段“检察官告语”。据称,这是该院为办理未成年人犯罪案件而进行的新尝试。为论述方便,现将其中的“告语”摘录如下:“杨 X、黄 X、何 X,你们都是初中三年级学生,本应在学校里努力学习,感受家庭的温暖,但你们却因为迷恋上网而走上犯罪道路。知道吗?你们的抢劫行为不仅给被害人造成了财物和人身的侵害,而且严重影响了被害人的正常生活和工作,更扰乱了社会治安秩序,你们也为自己的行为付出了代价。你们还很年轻,今后的路还很长,希望你们吸取教训,早日醒悟,不忘父母的期望和自己的责任,好好学习,重塑人生。”
On April 17, 2003, the “Procuratorial Daily” reported that the People’s Procuratorate of Jinniu District, Chengdu Municipality, in Sichuan Province, made an extra “prosecutor’s remark” more than the general indictment in making the indictment. It is said that this is a new attempt made by the hospital to handle juvenile delinquency cases. In order to facilitate the discussion, the “” will now be extracted as follows: “Yang X, Huang X, X, you are junior high school students, should be in school to study hard, feel the warmth of the family, but You are embarked on the road of criminals because you are infatuated with the Internet.Did you know that your robbery not only infringed upon the victim and caused serious damage to the normal life and work of the victim but also disrupted social security order, You are still very young and have a long way to go in the future, hoping that you will learn the lesson, wake up soon, forget your parents’ expectations and your own responsibilities, study hard and reshape your life. ”