读某省今年语文会考试卷,发现有命题不慎者,列举一二: 例:下列加点字读音全部正确的一组是: A.租赁(lìn) 艄(xàao)公 盎(àng)然 B.渲(xuān)染 稼(jià)穑 横亘(gèn) C.伺(sì)侯 纨袴(kù) 炫(xuàn)耀 D.矜(jīn)夸 怃(wǔ)然 伊(yǎn)然其中A项中“艄”应读作shāo,B项中“渲”应读作xuàn,错误明显,可以排除不选。D项读音全对,选D完全没有问题,这份省级会考试卷的标准答案也是D项。问题出在C项上。以命题者的原意,大约“伺候”中的“伺”应读作“cì”,而不应读作“sì”。这个看法不全面。《现代汉语词典》收
After reading the exam papers of a provincial language school this year, we found that there are propositions that are inadvertent, enumerating one or two: Example: The following groups of correct readings are: A. Lease (lìn) 艄 (xàao) Male Ang (àng) Ran B. Rendering (xuān) dyed grain (jià) 穑 亘 亘 (gèn) C. 伺 (sì) 侯纨袴 (kù) 炫 (xuàn) 耀 D. 矜 (jīn) 怃 (wǔ) 然 ( (yǎn) 然 Among A items “艄” should be read as shāo, and item B should be read as xuàn. The error is obvious and can be eliminated. There is no problem with D in the D-reading pair. The standard answer for the provincial exam paper is also D. The problem lies in item C. With the intent of the propositions, the word “serve” in the “server” should be read as “cì” instead of “sì”. This view is not comprehensive. Modern Chinese Dictionary