Scholarly poems and sentimental poems are the concrete manifestation of the historical viewpoints, positions and methods in Schiller’s aesthetic thoughts. They form a distinctive and unique theory of literary development in Schiller’s aesthetic thoughts. Schiller examined the western literature and art from the natural nature of human nature and its “positive-negative-co-integration” dialectical development process, and revealed the development track of western literature and art: from ancient plain poems to modern sentimental poems , To the combination of plain poems and sentimental poems, that is, ideal poems. Under the guidance of this idealistic and imaginative Utopian historicist view and method, Schiller analyzed the law of unity of opposites of the mode of literature development from the perspective of human nature and psychology: from the dichotomy of human nature between realists and idealists , Then to the combination of the two and can achieve the integrity of humanity, also can achieve simple poems and sentimental poems “ideal poem ”.