美国国立牙科和颅面研究所 ( NIDCR)和 Panacos制药公司的研究人员报告 ,他们发现一种以前未认识的 HIV感染中的人类宿主辅助因子。该发现可以为抗 HIV药物的研制提供新的靶标。 这种新的辅助因子膜联蛋白 2 ( annexin- 2 )是巨噬细胞和其他免疫细胞上一组较不重要的蛋白中
Researchers at the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) and Panacos Pharmaceuticals reported that they discovered a previously unknown human cofactor for HIV infection. This finding can provide a new target for the development of anti-HIV drugs. The new cofactor, annexin-2, is found in a group of less important proteins on macrophages and other immune cells