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强氯精化学名称为二氯异氰尿酸,化工产品,粉末状,白色,易溶于水,呈酸性,属氧化剂,有极强的杀菌漂白作用。对于陈旧的水稻种子,强氯精浸种效果很好。 1.强氯精浸种可增加种子活力,加强种子呼吸作用,使催芽起温快。 2.用强氯精浸种、催芽时,种子发霉少,粘液少,种身净,无臭味。对于陈旧的种子,清水浸种,未经杀菌。种子表面许多真菌在繁殖,菌丝蔓延,种子发霉,种芽腐烂,发霉率达92%。强氯精具有极强的杀菌作用,种子无发霉现象。 3.强氯精浸种、催芽后破胸快,破胸齐,发 Strong chlorine chemical name dichloroisocyanuric acid, chemical products, powder, white, soluble in water, acidic, is an oxidant, has a strong bactericidal bleaching effect. Strong chlorine seed soaking effect is good for the old rice seeds. 1. Strong chlorine seed soaking seeds can increase seed vigor, enhance seed respiration, so that the sprouting from the warm fast. 2 soaked with strong chlorine, germination, the germination of less seed, less mucus, body net, no odor. For the old seeds, water soaked, without sterilization. Many fungi in the seed surface reproduction, mycelium spread, moldy seeds, bud decay, mildew rate of 92%. Strong chlorine has a strong bactericidal effect, no seed mold phenomenon. 3. Strong chlorine soaked seeds, breaking chest quickly after pricking, breaking chest Qi, hair
棉叶蝉(Empoasca biguttula Shiraki)是棉花后期主要害虫,年度间发生量差异较大,大发生年份影响棉花秋桃盖顶,使棉花产量减少,品质降低。目前,尚未见到棉叶蝉空间分布型的报
美洲斑潜蝇 Liriomyza trifolii Burgess是一种杂食性的潜叶蝇。寄主有菊科、豆科、茄科等10个科45属的植物(范滋德等,1982)。国外报道对生产造成经济损失的主要在于为害菊
目的 分析中国南方汉族人群HLA Cw座位基因多态性。方法 采用ARMS/PCR技术对 6 0名随机选择的南方汉族健康个体作HLA Cw基因分型。结果 共检出 12种HLA Cw等位基因或等位
引言新西兰不存在严重的森林病虫害问题我们的森林健康体系主要目的也就是要保持这种良好状况.新西兰森林健康体系的主导思想是依 INTRODUCTION There are no serious prob
Objective:To explore the protective effect of tanshinoneⅡA on lipopolysaccharide(LPS)-induced lung injury in rats,and possible mechanism.Methods:LPS(O111:B4) w
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〔英〕/Garrido G…∥Phytomedicine.-2006,13(6).-412~418芒果Mangifera indica L.茎皮的标准水提取物VIMANG○R在古巴用作抗氧化剂。采用公认的方法检验了提取物的抗炎作用
福州地区的微小牛蜱Boophilus microplus在牛体表终年均有寄生,以7、8、9、3个月为寄生高峰期。经人工饲养观察,每年发生4代。第一代需要63—88天,第二代42—56天,第三代44—