State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposits Research

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pingli_lp
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The State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposits Research, located at Nanjing University and basedon the key discipline of Economic Geology-Geochemistry of the State Education Commission and onthe Institute of Granites, Volcanics and Metallogeny of Nanjing University, was established in 1995with the approval of the State Planning Commission, State Science and Technology Commission andState Education Commission. The Laboratory successfully went through the national appraise and for-mally opened to domestic and overseas researchers. At present, Prof.Ma Dongsheng is the director ofthe Laboratory. Xu Keqin, an academician of CAS,is the honorable chairman of the academic com-mittee. Hu Shouxi is the Chairman of the committee which consists of 18 well-known scientists. The State Key Laboratory of Mineral Deposits Research, located at Nanjing University and based on the key discipline of Economic Geology - Geochemistry of the State Education Commission and on the Institute of Granites, Volcanics and Metallogeny of Nanjing University, was established in 1995 with the approval of the State Planning Commission, State Science and Technology Commission and State Education Commission. The Laboratory successfully went through the national appraise and for-mally opened to domestic and overseas researchers. At present, Prof. Ma Dongsheng is the director of the Laboratory. Xu Keqin, an academician of CAS, is the honorable chairman of the academic com-mittee. Hu Shouxi is the Chairman of the committee which consists of 18 well-known scientists.
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