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1998年5至6月间,全国人大常委会组织三个检查组,对海南、辽宁、山东三省实施《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》(以下简称海洋环境保护法)的情况进行了检查,期间,检查组听取了国家环保总局、国家海洋局、农业部、交通部等有关部门、海军和三省政府的汇报,实地考察了11个地市的陆源污染治理工程、自然保护区、军港、海岸工程和污水处理厂,与基层的干部群众和科研人员进行了座谈,辽宁组、山东组还设立了热线电话倾听群众的意见。一、取得的成效1.加强海洋环境保护法制建设,建立海洋环境保护法规体系经过15年的法制建设,目前我国已初步形成了以宪法为根据,以环境保护法为基础,以海洋环境保护法为主体,以行政法规、部门规章、地方性法规和标准为补充,与有关国际公约相协调的海洋环境保护法规体系,为保护海洋环境提供了有力的法律保障。 From May to June 1998, the NPC Standing Committee organized three inspection teams to conduct inspections on the implementation of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of the Marine Environment” (hereinafter referred to as “the Marine Environmental Protection Law”) in Hainan, Liaoning and Shandong provinces. During the period . The inspection team listened to the reports of the State Environmental Protection Administration, the State Oceanic Administration, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Communications and other relevant departments, the Navy and the three provincial governments and inspected the land-source pollution control projects, nature reserves, naval vessels and coastal projects in 11 cities And sewage treatment plants, held discussions with cadres and grassroots people and researchers. Liaoning and Shandong groups also set up hotlines to listen to the views of the masses. I. Achievements 1. Strengthening the legal system for the protection of the marine environment and establishing a legal system for the protection of the marine environment After 15 years of legal construction, at present, our country has basically taken the constitution as the basis, the environmental protection act as the basis, the marine environmental protection law As the main body, supplemented by administrative regulations, departmental rules and regulations, local laws and standards, and the marine environmental protection laws and regulations coordinated with relevant international conventions provide a powerful legal guarantee for the protection of the marine environment.
2009年6月,文成县黄坦镇赛文石材加工厂成功搬迁至沙洋门前山,这意味着除2家石材加工厂停业外,该镇其余7家石材加工厂已全部成功搬迁。  如今的黄坦镇,空气清新、环境优美。而这一切缘于镇人大的持续监督,以及镇政府的重拳整治。    石材产业污染严重周边百姓怨声载道    近年来,随着城市建设和房地产业的发展,石材需求旺盛,文成县黄坦镇石材资源丰富,石材加工业发展迅猛。据不完全统计,包括黄坦镇赛文石
9月,惠普公司针对所有“后期节省”需求的人群,特别是学生家庭用户,量身推出了“惠省”系列两款打印机——惠普Deskjet K109a和惠普Deskjet K209a——两款产品售价分别为649
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