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导读是以文献资料为纽带、以优秀期刊为基础,对读者进行读书指引和辅导,图书馆工作人员配合学校教育计划的实施,面对浩瀚的文献资源,有目的、有步骤地向读者传播资料,推荐读物,指导读书,帮助他们迅速找到所需的书刊,缩短检索时间,增强情报意识和查找利用馆藏文献的能力。导读是高校图书馆的一个重要手段,是一种指导读者阅读的积极主动服务工作,是图书馆各项业务的基础工作;同时又是紧密配合教学科研的一项具有针对性的服务工作,对深化教学改革、提高教学质量起到极大的推动作用,使高校图书馆的教育职能进一步发挥,从而开创图书馆工作的新面貌。 Reading is based on the literature as a link, with excellent periodicals as the basis for reading guidance and guidance to readers, library staff in line with the implementation of school education programs, the face of the vast literature resources, purposeful and systematic dissemination of information to the reader , Recommend readings, guide reading, help them quickly find the books they are looking for, shorten the search time, increase intelligence awareness and find the ability to use collections. Guided reading is an important means of university library, is a kind of positive and active service to guide the reader to read, is the basic work of the library business; at the same time it is closely with the teaching and research of a targeted service work, Deepening the teaching reform and improving the quality of teaching play a great role in promoting the educational functions of university libraries to further play to open a new look of library work.
开展网络咨询是信息社会发展的要求。介绍了网络环境下参考咨询的现状、特点,提出了完善网上参考咨询服务的建议。 Carrying out network consultation is the requirement
本文从图书馆的社会职能入手谈加强为农民工服务的必要性,并提出了为农民工服务的方式。 This article starts from the social function of library to strengthen the nec
通过新阅读环境下大众阅读的变化以及公共图书馆在开展大众阅读活动中的优势作用,提出公共图书馆在新的环境下如何推动全民阅读的几点对策。 Through the change of reading