因才识扬名,因清脱为人仰重,因谦虚而备受爱戴,这便是人们心目中的著名诗人流沙河。 流沙河曾在中国诗坛上笔走龙蛇,饮誉海内外,十年前,先生突然“见异思迁”,弃诗而作文,鼓动海峡两岸文化交流,拨弄出举世瞩目的一个大旋涡。近年来,突然又波澜不兴。先生的近况如何?
Because of talent, famous because of clear people, due to humility and loved, this is what people think of the famous poet Liu Shahe. Liushahe had done a great job in Chinese poetry circles at home and abroad. Ten years ago, when he suddenly “made a difference” and abandoned poetry and writing, he encouraged cultural exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and marked a grand vortex that attracted worldwide attention. In recent years, a sudden turmoil. How's Mr.