七、中国市场经济体制建设的方式与策略的选择 我国的改革进入了建立市场经济新体制关键性的历史时期。在这一时期,旧体制将得到根本性改革,社会主义市场经济体制的框架将确立起来。与这一历史性任务相适应,改革也呈现出一些新特点。主要是:第一、改革将从浅层转入深层。已经进行的改革,大体说还是浅层的;或者集中在那些相对容易的方面,或者虽触及到关键性的环节但作业程度仍辄于表层。这种状况既同改革经验不足,难以一下子触及本质的主观素质特点相符,也同改革只能由浅入深的客观实践要求相符。在新的阶段,改革将直接触及到各种基本的经济关系,直接对准那些关键的环节的深层次部分。例如,所
VII. Choices of Ways and Strategies for Building China’s Market Economy System China’s reform has entered a crucial historical period of establishing a new system of market economy. During this period, the old system will be fundamentally reformed and the framework of the socialist market economic system will be established. In keeping with this historic task, the reform has also shown some new features. Mainly: First, the reform will shift from shallow to deep. The reforms that have been carried out are broadly speaking shallow; they are either relatively easy to come by, or they are still on the surface, even though they reach critical areas. This situation is not only in line with the lack of experience in reform, it is difficult to touch upon the subjective qualities of nature at one stroke, but also to the objective and practical requirements of reform which can only be described as shallow and deep. In the new phase, the reform will directly touch on the various basic economic relations and directly target the deeper parts of those crucial links. For example,