课文中有些汉字笔划较多,学生常常写错,而且往往是一错再错。如:蠹、穆、赢、羸、嬴、蠃等字,为了让学生牢记这些字的写法,我就根据这些字的特征,把它们分解开,编成顺口溜。如“蠹”字,编成“一中头,宝盖腰,石头底下两虫叫”,“穆”字编成“禾白小三撇”,“赢、羸、嬴、蠃”等字则分别编成顺口溜,“亡口月贝凡”“亡口月羊凡”“亡口月女凡”和“亡口月虫凡”,这样特征分明,记忆牢固。 汉字中还有一些字,字形相近,很容易混淆,如“戍、戌、戎、戊”四个字,“己、已、巳”三个字,仅一笔之差,稍不注意,就会搞错,我便将这些字进行归类,编成顺口溜,帮助辨析,巩固记忆。“点戍(shù)横戌
Some Chinese characters in the text have more strokes, and students often make mistakes, and often mistakes are wrong. For example: 蠹, 穆, 赢, 羸, 嬴, 蠃, 蠃, etc. In order to keep the students in mind when writing these words, I will break them down and make them into jingles according to the characteristics of these words. For example, the word “蠹” is compiled into “一中中头, 宝盖盖 waist, and two stone insects under the stone”, and the word “穆” is compiled into “禾白小三撇”. The words “win, 羸, 嬴, 蠃” are respectively It is made up of jingle, “the moon in the mouth of the moon”, “the moon in the mouth”, “the woman who died in the moon,” and “the moon in the moon”. This feature is clear and the memory is firm. There are also some words in Chinese characters, which are similar in shape and are easily confusing, such as the words “戍, 戌, 戎, 戊” and the words ““, 巳, 巳”. The difference is only one stroke. If you make a mistake, I will classify these words and make them into a jingle to help identify and consolidate memories. “Points”