石榴的品种分类远在1000多年前已经开始,如《广志》载有“安石榴有甜、酸二种”,《群芳谱》载有“实有甜、酸、苦三种”,另外在颜色和风味上也有详细的描述,这种分类的办法至今各地仍继续应用。此外,也有依成熟期的早晚,叶的形状,花的颜色(如红、白二种石榴)及籽粒的性状等来区别品种的特性而进行分类的。兹将我国主产地区的优良品种介绍如下: (1) 青壳石榴为云南巧家地区品质较好的品种。果大,平均重312g,最大的可达560g;果皮青绿色,光滑,阳面紫红色,厚0.3cm;萼片7—8个,开张;心皮
Pomegranate varieties far from the classification of more than 1,000 years ago has begun, such as “Guang Zhi” contains “Ann sweet pomegranate, two kinds of sour,” “Qunfang spectrum” contains “real sweet, sour, bitter three kinds of” Color and flavor are also described in detail, this method of classification has continued to apply around the country. In addition, according to the maturity of the morning and evening, the shape of leaves, flower color (such as red and white pomegranate) and grain traits, etc. to distinguish the characteristics of varieties to be classified. Here are the main varieties of the main producing areas introduced as follows: (1) green pomegranate Qiaojia region of Yunnan better quality varieties. Fruit large, the average weight of 312g, the largest up to 560g; peel turquoise, smooth, magenta, thick 0.3cm; sepals 7-8, opened; carpels