选用素材 化难为易——以人教版《从汉至元政治制度的演变》一课为例

来源 :历史教学(上半月刊) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myplucky
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现行高中历史课程内容中的学习主题普遍笼统,导致教学内容头绪多、容量大。相应地,教科书中有助于学生理解历史发展的素材就极其有限,对一些历史事实也往往缺乏具体的交代。本文以人教版必修一第3课《从汉至元政治制度的演变》为例,试图通过选用素材的方式,突出政治文明进步这一教学关键点,引导学生解读课文、探究问题并拓展思维,为这一类教学难题的处理提供一个案例。 The topics of learning in the current senior high school history curriculum are generally general, leading to a clues of teaching content and large capacity. Correspondingly, the materials in textbooks that help students understand the development of history are extremely limited, and often lack some concrete explanations for some historical facts. Taking the third edition of the compulsory part 1 of People's Education Press, “Evolvement of Political System from Han to Yuan” as an example, this article attempts to highlight the key points of political civilization progress through selecting material, guide students to interpret texts, explore problems and expand their thinking , Provide a case for the treatment of this type of teaching problems.