一、前言 温室是一种新型、高效的保护地栽培设施,其作用是为农作物提供良好的生长环境。如在温室中进行工厂化育秧与传统育秧方式相比,秧苗成长迅速,秧期短,且秧苗素质较好,具有省力、省时、低成本、适于机械化作业等优点。 利用日光温室进行蔬菜生产在我国已有上百年的历史,但直到本世纪70年代才有了较快的发展。1988年我国农业部出台“菜篮子工程”,中央制定了“菜篮子市长负责制”
I. INTRODUCTION The greenhouse is a new type of highly efficient and protected cultivation facility whose role is to provide a good growing environment for crops. Planting seedlings in the greenhouse as compared with the traditional way of raising seedlings, seedlings grow rapidly, seedling short, and good quality seedlings, with labor-saving, time-saving, low cost, suitable for mechanized operations and so on. Vegetable production using solar greenhouse has been in our country for more than a hundred years, but it was not until 70s of this century that there was a rapid development. In 1988, China’s Ministry of Agriculture introduced the “vegetable basket project” and formulated the “responsibility system for vegetable basket mayors”