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  1~5 DBDCA 6~10 CABCD 11~15 BADCB
  16~20 DACBC 21~25 DDBAD 26~30 CACBC
  31. waiting 32. after 33. remembered 34. brought 35. businessman 36. keeps
  37. with 38. interesting 39. dreams
  40. differently
  One possible version:
  Last Sunday we had a disscussion about our homework. About more than one hundred students took part in it. Some students think that they should do more homework, they think it is good for their study.Some others think too much homework will do harm to their study. Students cannot get progress, but lose interest in study. And some students think homework should be done at school. Students are not supposed to take homework home. Because parents are all too busy and they have no time to help with their kids’ homework. I think homework shouldn’t be too much. Students are supposed to have a little homework to do, or they will have nothing to do. Instead they will play computer games all the time. It’s bad for their study.
  第一节(共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)
  听下面5个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后, 你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。
  Text 1 How’s the weather like today?
  Text 2 What’s in the bowl?
  Text 3 With whom did you go to the beach?
  Text 4 Can I help you?
  Text 5 When did you get here?
  第二节(共7小题, 每小题1分,满分7分)
  Text 6
  M: Welcome to our shop. What would you like?
  W: A large bowl of beef noodles for my father, a pizza for my son and a small bowl of rice for myself, please.
  Text 7
  M: Is Mary reading a newspaper?
  W: No, she is playing tennis with Jenny.
  Text 8
  W: Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?
  M: Yes, there is one. It’s across from the supermarket.
  Text 9
  M: Do you like talk shows, Cathy?
  W: I know little about them. But I know a lot about game shows. They’re interesting.
  Text 10
  W: Was Uncle John at work yesterday?
  M: No, he went to see his mother. She was in hospital.
  Text 11
  M: How were the beaches?
  W: So many people there, so I didn’t enjoy them.
  Text 12
  M: I like Lily’s new dress. It’s so nice on her.
  W: But I can’t stand the color. It’s too red.
  听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。   听下面一段材料,回答第13至第15题。
  Text 13
  M: Hi, Julia. What are you doing?
  W: I’m reading a magazine, but it’s boring.
  M: Let’s watch TV, then.
  W: Anything you say. Do you like soap operas?
  M: No.
  W: What about a talk show?
  M: Talk show? Who’s the host?
  W: Alex Smith.
  M: Oh, I don’t like the way he looks. I can’t stand his long curly hair and black sunglasses.
  W: What do you think of sports shows?
  M: I love them. They are interesting. How about you?
  W: Mmm, I don’t mind them.
  Text 14
  W: Hi, Lin Tao. Nice to see you here.
  M: Hi, Mary! Nice to see you, too. Are you taking your dog for a walk?
  W: Yes, where are you going?
  M: I’m going to the Children’s Palace to learn the violin.
  W: Do you like playing the violin?
  M: No, but I have to go there to learn the violin every Monday and Thursday, and play the violin every day. What about you?
  W: Well, my father has a lot of rules for me, too. I have to clean my room every day, and can’t watch TV after school. But I can go to the movies on weekends.
  M: That’s good. I can’t even do that. I have to play the violin and do my homework.
  W: That sounds terrible.
  Text 15
  M: Hello!Anybody home?
  W: Welcome!Nice to see you. Come in, please.
  M: Thanks.
  W: Would you like some tea?
  M: Yes, please. Is your sister Annie at home?
  W: No, she isn’t. She went to Paris last weekend.
  W: Did she go there on vacation?
  M: No, she went there to learn French.
  W: She really works hard.
  W: Yes, she wants to be a news reporter. There are many things for her to learn.
  M: I think so. I’m sure she will be very successful.
  Text 16
  Mr. Jackson is a farmer and he lives in a small village. It was the last day of January. He drove to the town to buy some new clothes for his wife and his children. He got there after twenty minutes. It was Sunday, and the street was full of people. He couldn’t find a place to park his car near the shopping center. At last he found there was no car in front of a building. He parked it there at once and went shopping. Two hours later the farmer went back to his car with many things in his hands. To his surprise, he saw a policeman standing by his car. “Do you know you can’t park here, sir?” asked the policeman. “I’m sorry I don’t.” answered Mr. Jackson.“Look at the sign, please.” the policeman said.“I did. Doesn’t it say ‘Fine for parking’? So I parked it here!” said Mr. Jackson.   1~5 BCABA 6~10 CBCCB 11~15 ABCCA
  16~20 BABCA 21~25 BCCBB 26~30 CBACC
  31~35 ABBBD 36~40 BCBAD 41~45 BACDA
  46~50 DBCDB 51~55 CABAD 56~60 ABCBD
  61~65 CBABC 66~70 DCABC 71. expensive
  72. need 73. Look out 74. else
  75. practise 76. trouble 77. reason
  78. offer 79. prefer 80. surprise
  81. straight 82. open 83. tired
  84. lively 85. exactly
  One possible version:
  Dear Mabel,
  Nice to get your letter. Our English teacher, Mr. Kevin, comes from Canada. He is good-looking with blonde short hair. He is good at teaching and we’re getting on well with each other. He is very popular in our school. Last weekend we went to the Great Wall with him. We took photos and did games there. We really had a great time.
  I like my English teacher because he is very kind to us. Also, he is very strict with us.
  Li Ni
  第一节(共5小题, 每小题1分,满分5分)
  听下面5个问题,每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每个问题后, 你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。每个问题仅读一遍。
  Text 1 How do you often go to work?
  Text 2 What are you going to be when you grow up?
  Text 3 Who do you think is the funniest actor?
  Text 4 When did you go there?
  Text 5 Could you please clean the living room?
  第二节 (共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分)
  Text 6
  M: What’s the time, Sally? The concert starts at 8
  W: Oh, don’t worry. We still have half an hour.
  Text 7
  W: When did your headache start?
  M: About two days ago. I’m feeling terrible now.
  Text 8
  M: Madam, I think this pair of shoes fits you well.
  W: Size 8? Sorry, I just want Size 5 for my son.
  Text 9
  W: Are you going to be a doctor when you grow up?
  M: No, I want to be a soccer player, but my parents want me to be a writer.
  Text 10
  M: Which movie theater shall we go to?
  W: What about Town Cinema? It has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats in the city.
  Text 11
  W: I’d like to give back this coat. I bought it for my daughter yesterday, but she doesn’t like the color.
  M: What color does she like? We have coats in different colors.
  Text 12
  M: Could I use your CD player?
  W: Sure, if you are careful with it.
  第三节(共13小题,每小题1分,满分13分)   听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。
  Text 13
  W: Can you come to my birthday party on Saturday night, Ted?
  M: I’d love to, but I’m not sure. What time is your party?
  W: It starts at eight in the evening.
  M: Sorry, I have to study for my English test. Can you go to the concert with me on Sunday?
  W: What kind of concert is it?
  M: A pop music concert.
  W: Really? But I should ask my mom first. She asked me to clean the room on Sunday.
  M: You can do it on Saturday.
  W: But I have a piano lesson. I think I can do it. On Sunday morning, OK? I’d love to go.
  Text 14
  W: What can I do for you?
  M: Yes, I’d like to have a look at that hat over there.
  W: Which one? That blue one?
  M: Oh, not that one. The white and black one.
  W: Is this the one you want?
  M: That’s right.
  W: Well, this kind has just been in the shop. It sells well.
  M: How much is it?
  W: Fifteen yuan.
  M: I’ll take it.
  W: Anything else?
  M: Yes. This is my son. He wants a pair of sports shoes.
  W: We have many kinds here.
  Text 15
  W: Hello, Mark.
  M: Hello, Tina.
  W: I’m sorry to trouble you at such a late time.
  M: No, never mind. We just finished eating. Why don’t you come in?
  W: No, I can’t. My mother has a high fever. I’m going to take her to the hospital at once.
  M: Is there anything I can do for you?
  W: Yes. While we are at the hospital, can you look after my daughter? You know, we can’t leave her alone. She is just two years old.
  M: What is she doing?
  W: She is sleeping on the sofa.
  M: Don’t worry!My sister can go over to your home and look after her.
  W: Thank you.
  M: You’re welcome.
  Text 16
  One day, we had an English class. The teacher saw a boy reading a picture book and said, “Tom, what do you usually do after lunch?”
  Tom nervously got up from his seat, but he didn’t know how to answer. He thought for some time and then said, “Wait for supper.”
  The teacher was angry and just at that moment, he saw another boy sleeping. The teacher was getting a little angry now, but he was trying not to show it. Then he asked, “And you, Joke?”   As Joke was asleep, of course, he could not hear what the teacher had said. His desk mate woke him up. Joke stood up quickly and answered loudly, “Me, too.”
  1~5 CAABA 6~10 BCBBA 11~15 CCACA
  16~20 ABCAC 21~25 ABCAC 26~30 BBDCC
  31~35 DDBDB 36~40 BACAC 41~45 BABCD
  46~50 DABDB 51~55 ADCCD 56~60 CBDCA
  61~65 AADCD 66~70 CBAAD 71. hate
  72. work on 73. cheap 74. keep out
  75. expensive 76. eye 77. bring
  78. carrying 79. dead 80. suggested
  81. dried 82. kept 83. returned
  84. order 85. strange
  One possible version:
  Hi, fellows. Now I’ll talk about my future job. I have plenty of interests and I’m especially good at English and music. Also I’m outgoing. So I can get on well with my classmates and I like to communicate with others. I’m thinking about being a tour guide in the future, for there are more and more foreigners coming to visit Wuhan. I think I should study hard and practice English as much as possible. Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream. That’s all. Thank you!
An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.   —Author Unknown  空燈笼不亮。照顾好自己能让你闪耀光芒。  ——无名氏  “Pick up the pace!” coaxed1 my husband.  “But I can’t
注 解  1. sentimental adj. 感伤 的;感情脆弱的  2. ridicule n. 嘲笑;笑柄;愚弄  3. hazard n. 危险;冒险;冒险的事  4. certitude n. 确信;确实  5. forfeit v. (因犯罪、失职、违约等)丧失(权利、名誉、生命等)  To laugh is to risk appearing a fool;  To w
摘 要 结合现阶段小学德育教育课教学体系来分析,研究工作的开展将重点结合社会主义核心价值观在小学德育教学工作开展中的应用方法与应用策略,并且会融合当前的教学问题提出全新的看法和策略,为后续教学工作提供保障与支撑。  关键词 小学德育 社会主义核心价值观 教学实践  结合现阶段小学德育教育存在的问题,主要可以分为以下三个要点:第一是教师如何将社会主义核心价值观作为小学德育教育的内驱动力来应用,让学生
My favourite TV programme is Animal World hosted by famous anchor Zhao Zhongxiang, which brings us happiness and knowledge.  Through the programme I have learned a lot of things I didn’t know before,
【新起点英语热身演练(一)】  一、选择填空  1~5 DABBB 6~10 BBBDD  11~15 CBDBA  二、完形填空  16~20 DABAB 21~25 CCBDA  26~30 DDABC  三、阅读理解  31~35 BBDAB 36~40 BCADD  41~45 ABDDC  四、词与短语选择填空  46. available 47. refuse 48. stay u
本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch),英国著名演员。2010年,他在BBC迷你剧《神探夏洛克》中完美出演夏洛克·福尔摩斯一角,获得巨大成功,人气飙升,并获得当年多项大奖,剧中服装造型风靡英国。随后,他受邀参演多部电影,出席金球奖及奥斯卡颁奖典礼,并接受《GQ》和《名利场》等多家杂志专访,星途灿烂。  姓名:本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch)
猿  那年春天,在云南,一座小县城里,他见到过一只猿。为了谋生糊口,他跟着几个人来这里,劝说一位企业家给他们投资拍电影,企业家好吃好喝地招待,但就是不松口。这几个人反正也吃了上顿没下顿,干脆便乐不思蜀,成天在小旅馆里睡到黄昏,天黑之前,再赶到企业家的庄园里去喝酒,他们来的时候,花都还没怎么开,倏忽之间,不管走到哪里,梨花、樱花、海棠花的花瓣已经落得人满身都是了。  小旅馆所在的巷子走到尽头,再往西
I am a middle school student and my school life is colourful.  As a student, I know I should try my best to study hard and make progress every day. So I listen to my teachers carefully in class and af
景一 编译  编者注:你喜欢学习英语吗?你学习英语的原因有哪些呢?  Learning English Is Fun  We should say it in a different way: Learning English can be fun. For many students, it isn’t much fun. However, we think that’s just a prob
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