春江水暖,2003年的全年统计刚刚出炉,本刊就在第一时间排出了“中国外贸200强”。在当下这个排行榜盛行的时代,“中国外贸200强”可以毫不夸张地说是数据最真实、态度最客观、反应最及时的排行榜。所有的数据均来自中国海关统计,绝对真实地反映企业上年的进出口情况,是中国外贸情势最精确的晴雨表。 发布这个排行榜已经是第三年。从2001年到2003年,正是中国外贸突飞猛进、稳步前进的三年。中国的贸易地位从第7位攀升到第4位。200强在外贸总额中所占的比重在不断增加,位次的争夺也更趋激烈,但整体格局却没有根本改变。拔得头筹的企业依然脱不了政府的影子。国有企业在与外资企业的竞争中虽有起伏,但却没有动摇其遥遥领先的优势地位。最耐人寻味的是集体与私营企业,三年里守着9个席位,没有异军突起,也没有丢失阵地,人们期待多年的民族品牌仍然在形成的过程中。这正是中国外贸格局的最真实现状。
Spring plumbing, the annual statistics in 2003 just released, the magazine was the first time, “China’s top 200 foreign trade.” At a time when the current list is prevalent, “China’s Top 200 Foreign Trade Companies” can be said without any exaggeration to say that it is the most realistic, most objective attitude and the most timely response list. All data are from China Customs statistics, an absolute reflection of the last year’s import and export enterprises, is the most accurate barometer of China’s foreign trade situation. This ranking is released for the third year. From 2001 to 2003, it is exactly the past three years that China’s foreign trade has made rapid progress and progressed steadily. China’s trade position climbed from 7th to 4th place. 200 in the total amount of foreign trade in the proportion of increasing, ranking competition is also more intense, but the overall pattern has not fundamentally changed. Outstanding companies still can not take off the shadow of the government. Despite the ups and downs in the competition with foreign-funded enterprises, state-owned enterprises have not wavered their dominance in the lead. Most intriguing is the collective and private enterprises, holding three seats in three years, there is no sudden emergence, there is no loss of position, people are looking forward to many years of national brand is still in the process of formation. This is exactly the most true status quo of the pattern of China’s foreign trade.