运用精细加工可能性模型(ELM)对用户采纳移动LBS应用的影响因素进行了探究。利用Smart PLS软件对问卷搜集的数据进行分析。分析结果表明,处于不同精细加工状态的用户,影响其态度改变的因子不同。系统质量通过中枢路径影响用户行为,来源可信度通过外围路径影响用户行为。
The use of fine processing possibility model (ELM) to explore the impact of mobile LBS users to adopt the factors. Use Smart PLS software to analyze the data collected from the questionnaire. The analysis results show that users who are in different states of fine processing have different factors that affect their attitude change. System quality affects user behavior through a central path, and source credibility affects user behavior through peripheral paths.