
来源 :年画研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flapme
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一桃花坞年画作为中国四大木刻年画之一,和天津杨柳青年画并称“南桃北柳”。桃花坞年画洋溢着浓厚的生活气息,有很多表现现实生活题材的年画,除了一些祈福迎祥、驱凶避邪的题材外,还有大量表现历史故事、戏剧故事、市井农桑、花卉博古,特别是风景题材,这在年画中是不常见的。 A Taohuawu New Year paintings as one of China’s four major woodcut New Year, and Tianjin willow youth painting and said “Nanto Beiliu ”. There are a lot of New Year pictures depicting real life themes in addition to some of the themes of praying for auspiciousness and evading evil spirits, as well as a large number of historical stories, drama stories, marketplace nong murals, flower archeology, special Is a landscape theme, which is not common in New Year pictures.