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作为人民教师的我们,是园丁、是方向,我们的任务远远不止教育他们学习科学文化知识,更重要的是教育他们学习优良的传统美德,把他们培养成为人格健全、立场坚定的人才!经过几年的实际工作,针对如何开展传统美德教育,我总结了两个最重要的想法。一、创新中推进创新,是指在旧的、尚未完善的体制和方法中大胆开创、不局限于传统。中华民族传统美德是我们的祖先经过几代人的努力凝聚而成的宝贵果实,然而,没有什么是永恒不变的,也没有什么是永垂 As teachers of the people, we are gardeners and we are in the right direction. Our task goes far beyond educating them to learn scientific and cultural knowledge. More importantly, we educate them to learn excellent traditional virtues and develop them into qualified people with strong positions. A few years of practical work, how to carry out the traditional virtues of education, I summed up the two most important ideas. First, to promote innovation in innovation refers to the old, not perfect system and method boldly created, not limited to the traditional. The traditional virtues of the Chinese nation are the precious fruits that our ancestors came together through the efforts of several generations. However, nothing is everlasting, nor is it forever