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加强和创新社会管理,是党中央在新的历史条件下审时度势、与时俱进作出的重大战略决策。而社会管理的重点在与难点都在基层,作为中国政权基础的乡镇,其社会管理的方式,作用的发挥,直接影响民心向背和党的事业兴衰。因此,创新乡镇社会管理方式、提高乡镇社会管理水平势在必行。而当前乡镇社会管理存在观念、主体与社会管理方式存在诸多问题,结合乡镇基层实际,加强和创新社会管理,就要健全三项机制,破解四大难题,全面提高社会管理科学化水平。 Strengthening and innovating social management is a major strategic decision made by the party Central Committee under the new historical conditions in assessing the current situation and advancing with the times. However, the emphasis and difficulty of social management are all at the grassroots level. The townships and towns that are the basis of the Chinese government exert their social management functions and play a direct role in influencing the people’s heart and soul to the rise and fall of the cause of the party. Therefore, it is imperative to innovate the methods of social management of townships and improve the social management of townships. At present, there exist many problems in the management of township social management. There are many problems with the main body and social management. Combining with the actual situation of township grass-roots units and strengthening and innovating social management, we must perfect the three mechanisms to solve the four major problems and raise the scientific level of social management in an all-round way.