1939年夏天,我们吕梁剧社从隰县黄土镇出发,经隰县城、蒲县城、临汾县抗日民主县政府所在地枕头村等处巡回演出,返回黄土镇后,遇到日本侵略军对我晋西南抗日根据地大举进犯,我们便向西转移,渡过黄河,到了陕北的延川县城。 那时延川县政府属于国民党绥德专员公署领导,我们陕甘宁边区则建立了绥德警备区。绥德县、延川县、清涧县、米脂县、葭县等县政府的县长由国民党绥德专署委派,我们警备区则派干部在各县领导群众团
In the summer of 1939, our Luliang Theater started out from Huangtu Town in Lixian County and made a tour through Pillow Village where Pixian City, Puxian County and Linfen County Anti-Japanese Democratic County Government were located. After returning to Loess Town, we encountered Japanese Invading Forces Anti-Japanese base mass invasion, we will move west, across the Yellow River, to Yancheng in northern Shaanxi. At that time, the government of Yanchuan County belonged to the Kuomintang Commander Suide Commission, and our Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region established the Suide Garrison. Suide County, Yanchuan County, Qingjian County, Mizhi County, Juxian counties and other county government appointed by the Kuomintang Suide agency commissioned, our garrison is to send cadres in the county leaders