If you’re lucky enough to see something truly remarkable, keep your phone in your pocket.
Here’s a paradox1: we are a people obsessed with visiting the world’s most alluring sites and experiencing the most important events in person; and yet, though we travel more eagerly and easily than ever, fewer of us end up seeing things with our own eyes. Take yourself to any place of beauty, or indeed any event that draws a crowd. Look around for a moment and you’ll see a solemn-faced, dull-eyed crowd with one arm collectively raised in cultic2 devotion. Each hand clutches a phone, and each phone cameos3 as camera. But what makes this Pavlovian4 response to All Things Worth Seeing so weird is that these have-a-go reporters are focused intently upon their tiny phone screens: even when only metres away, they fail to see the action with their own eyes. Being there no longer means seeing there.
Well, what does it matter if everyone is so keenly playing street reporter? Isn’t it a splendid thing that seemingly every event on the planet is now effortlessly recorded by anyone with a phone? Not at all, I’d say. Now and then, we do of course benefit from the quick-thinking filming of some exceptional event that would otherwise have no objective record. But these videos that successfully extend the scope of institutional reporting are a tiny fraction of what’s being recorded every hour, every minute, every second worldwide.
Instead, we are paying a price for this perverse5 practice. Here are three sad—even disturbing—effects of our filming fetish6. First, phone-wielders establish a boundary between themselves and the events unfolding,
transforming them from present witnesses to mere closer-than-thou screen-gawpers.7 Since their eyes fail to see the action unmediated8, they are in some senses not really there at all. People boast at being at that gig9, or seeing the actual Mona Lisa at a few yards’ remove. But the digital proof they shove in your face ends up confirming that they, just like you, instead squinted at these spectacles through plastic.10 In thinking of their film’s future, the present moment passed them by.
Second, these ubiquitous recorders of all and sundry seem to have forgotten the purpose of what they are up to.11 You do have to wonder what all their data-collection is for. Millions of hours of footage, billions of photos; even the internet can’t keep up with the surging surfeit.12 What secondary audience needs 20,000 versions of oblique, wobbly and tinny footage of an event already being filmed professionally?13 Or take Cambridge, where I live. Thousands of tourists stream each day from their coaches, snaking up the medieval streets. A good portion are filming their movements continuously: a bin here, a bench there, the occasional passing bus. Yes, wonderful architecture flits onto camera now and then, but these are rare interruptions of otherwise (literally) pedestrian fare.14 Perhaps there is an audience back home that will strap in for six hours of footage per diem; but, even if there is, their host won’t be able to give any wider context beyond what he, like they, saw through this paltry,15 often pointless, window into the world. Third, and most worryingly, by privileging16 the framing and focus of their film with oh-so-steady hand, their engagement is limited in body as well as sight. If they became involved in the fray17, the thinking runs, then who would do the filming? Won’t somebody please think of the YouTube channel! That there are dozens—and in many cases hundreds or thousands—recording exactly the same event seems not to register. But when I see videos of street fights, abuse on public transport or painful accidents, I can’t help pausing to think about the person actually filming them. Isn’t it a warped18 response to a moment of emergency or high drama to reach for the phone camera rather than to reach out to help—or, you know, use the phone as a phone? Often there won’t be a word of support spoken from these alarming film-zombies: talking from behind the camera would really spoil the audio.
So, let’s reset to keeping phones in pockets. If you’re lucky enough to see something truly beautiful or remarkable, look at it, savour19 it and let your senses drink it in. If instead a sudden problem arises, offer what hand you can. Once you’ve done what humans are built to do, yes, happily film and click until your fingers fall off. But don’t expect anyone—including yourself—to want to look at them.
其次,这些无处不在的、把所有一切都要拍下来的人似乎已经忘记了他们这样做的目的是什么。你确实会忍不住好奇,他们收集这些数据资料是为了什么。数百万小时的视频录像,数十亿的照片;甚至互联网都赶不上这些视频和照片的泛滥。当一个事件已经经过了专业拍摄时,还有什么样的次级观众会需要看两万个歪歪斜斜的、摇摇晃晃的、发出刺耳声音的版本的视频呢?以我住的剑桥为例。每天,都会有成千上万的游客从他们的旅游大巴车中涌出,沿着蜿蜒的、中世纪风格的街道游览。他们当中有很大一部分人会一直拍摄自己的行踪:一会儿拍拍垃圾箱,一会儿又去拍拍长椅,或者是拍一下偶尔经过的公交车。的确,宏伟的建筑时不时也会被拍进他们的镜头当中,但是这些建筑物的镜头也只是在极少数情况下被无意间捕捉进了主要拍摄路边美食的视频当中。可能在这些游客的家乡,的确会有人准备好每天看六个小时这样的视频;但是,即便有这样的观众,拍这些视频的人除了与看的人一样,通过手机屏幕这个微不足道的、毫无意义的窗口看世界之外,给不出其他更有意义的东西来。 第三点,也是最让人担忧的一点是,如果拍摄视频的人总是优先考虑他们拍摄的构图和焦距问题,以及总是想着拍摄稳定性的话,他们对于眼前事件的参与就完全局限在了身体和视觉的层面。他们会想,要是他们牵扯进了眼前的冲突的话,他们就会分心,那么谁来拍视频呢?可是就没人想到YouTube频道吗!对于同样的事件,会有几十人——在很多情况下会有几百或几千人——在同时拍摄,却似乎没人注意到这些视频。但是当我看到街头打架、公共交通上的辱骂行为以及令人心痛的事故视频时,我都会禁不住停顿下来想到拍视频的这些人。在发生紧急的或者戏剧性事件的时候,他们不去伸手援助——或者把手机真正地当成手机来使用——反而掏出手机开始拍视频,这难道不是一种很扭曲和反常的行为吗?在很多情况下,这些令人担忧的“摄像僵尸”也不会在拍摄的时候说一些安慰的话:在镜头后面的说话声会干扰突发事件现场的声音。
1. paradox: 悖论,自相矛盾的事物。
2. cultic: 膜拜的,狂热崇拜的。
3. cameo: 客串。
4. Pavlovian: // 巴甫洛夫条件反射的。巴甫洛夫(1849—1936),苏
5. perverse: 反常的,不当的。
6. fetish: (不正常的)迷恋,癖好。
7. wielder: 使用者,行使者,来自动词wield;thou: 古语的you;gawper:呆头呆脑地看……的人,来自动词gawp。
8. unmediated: 没有媒介的。
9. gig: 现场演唱会。
10. shove sth. in: 随便将……放在某处;squint: 眯着眼睛看。
11. ubiquitous: 普遍存在的,无处不在的;all and sundry: 全部,所有。
12. footage: 影片片段;surging: 骤增的,上涨的;surfeit: 过量。
13. oblique:(视线、角度)倾斜的;wobbly:摇摇晃晃的;tinny:(声音)尖细的,刺耳的。
14. flit: 掠过;fare:(尤指饭店或小餐馆的)饭菜,饮食。
15. per diem: 每天;paltry: 微不足道的。
16. privilege: 给予……特权。
17. fray: 冲突,争论。
18. warped: 反常的,扭曲的。
19. savour: 享用,细细品味。
Here’s a paradox1: we are a people obsessed with visiting the world’s most alluring sites and experiencing the most important events in person; and yet, though we travel more eagerly and easily than ever, fewer of us end up seeing things with our own eyes. Take yourself to any place of beauty, or indeed any event that draws a crowd. Look around for a moment and you’ll see a solemn-faced, dull-eyed crowd with one arm collectively raised in cultic2 devotion. Each hand clutches a phone, and each phone cameos3 as camera. But what makes this Pavlovian4 response to All Things Worth Seeing so weird is that these have-a-go reporters are focused intently upon their tiny phone screens: even when only metres away, they fail to see the action with their own eyes. Being there no longer means seeing there.
Well, what does it matter if everyone is so keenly playing street reporter? Isn’t it a splendid thing that seemingly every event on the planet is now effortlessly recorded by anyone with a phone? Not at all, I’d say. Now and then, we do of course benefit from the quick-thinking filming of some exceptional event that would otherwise have no objective record. But these videos that successfully extend the scope of institutional reporting are a tiny fraction of what’s being recorded every hour, every minute, every second worldwide.
Instead, we are paying a price for this perverse5 practice. Here are three sad—even disturbing—effects of our filming fetish6. First, phone-wielders establish a boundary between themselves and the events unfolding,
transforming them from present witnesses to mere closer-than-thou screen-gawpers.7 Since their eyes fail to see the action unmediated8, they are in some senses not really there at all. People boast at being at that gig9, or seeing the actual Mona Lisa at a few yards’ remove. But the digital proof they shove in your face ends up confirming that they, just like you, instead squinted at these spectacles through plastic.10 In thinking of their film’s future, the present moment passed them by.
Second, these ubiquitous recorders of all and sundry seem to have forgotten the purpose of what they are up to.11 You do have to wonder what all their data-collection is for. Millions of hours of footage, billions of photos; even the internet can’t keep up with the surging surfeit.12 What secondary audience needs 20,000 versions of oblique, wobbly and tinny footage of an event already being filmed professionally?13 Or take Cambridge, where I live. Thousands of tourists stream each day from their coaches, snaking up the medieval streets. A good portion are filming their movements continuously: a bin here, a bench there, the occasional passing bus. Yes, wonderful architecture flits onto camera now and then, but these are rare interruptions of otherwise (literally) pedestrian fare.14 Perhaps there is an audience back home that will strap in for six hours of footage per diem; but, even if there is, their host won’t be able to give any wider context beyond what he, like they, saw through this paltry,15 often pointless, window into the world. Third, and most worryingly, by privileging16 the framing and focus of their film with oh-so-steady hand, their engagement is limited in body as well as sight. If they became involved in the fray17, the thinking runs, then who would do the filming? Won’t somebody please think of the YouTube channel! That there are dozens—and in many cases hundreds or thousands—recording exactly the same event seems not to register. But when I see videos of street fights, abuse on public transport or painful accidents, I can’t help pausing to think about the person actually filming them. Isn’t it a warped18 response to a moment of emergency or high drama to reach for the phone camera rather than to reach out to help—or, you know, use the phone as a phone? Often there won’t be a word of support spoken from these alarming film-zombies: talking from behind the camera would really spoil the audio.
So, let’s reset to keeping phones in pockets. If you’re lucky enough to see something truly beautiful or remarkable, look at it, savour19 it and let your senses drink it in. If instead a sudden problem arises, offer what hand you can. Once you’ve done what humans are built to do, yes, happily film and click until your fingers fall off. But don’t expect anyone—including yourself—to want to look at them.
其次,这些无处不在的、把所有一切都要拍下来的人似乎已经忘记了他们这样做的目的是什么。你确实会忍不住好奇,他们收集这些数据资料是为了什么。数百万小时的视频录像,数十亿的照片;甚至互联网都赶不上这些视频和照片的泛滥。当一个事件已经经过了专业拍摄时,还有什么样的次级观众会需要看两万个歪歪斜斜的、摇摇晃晃的、发出刺耳声音的版本的视频呢?以我住的剑桥为例。每天,都会有成千上万的游客从他们的旅游大巴车中涌出,沿着蜿蜒的、中世纪风格的街道游览。他们当中有很大一部分人会一直拍摄自己的行踪:一会儿拍拍垃圾箱,一会儿又去拍拍长椅,或者是拍一下偶尔经过的公交车。的确,宏伟的建筑时不时也会被拍进他们的镜头当中,但是这些建筑物的镜头也只是在极少数情况下被无意间捕捉进了主要拍摄路边美食的视频当中。可能在这些游客的家乡,的确会有人准备好每天看六个小时这样的视频;但是,即便有这样的观众,拍这些视频的人除了与看的人一样,通过手机屏幕这个微不足道的、毫无意义的窗口看世界之外,给不出其他更有意义的东西来。 第三点,也是最让人担忧的一点是,如果拍摄视频的人总是优先考虑他们拍摄的构图和焦距问题,以及总是想着拍摄稳定性的话,他们对于眼前事件的参与就完全局限在了身体和视觉的层面。他们会想,要是他们牵扯进了眼前的冲突的话,他们就会分心,那么谁来拍视频呢?可是就没人想到YouTube频道吗!对于同样的事件,会有几十人——在很多情况下会有几百或几千人——在同时拍摄,却似乎没人注意到这些视频。但是当我看到街头打架、公共交通上的辱骂行为以及令人心痛的事故视频时,我都会禁不住停顿下来想到拍视频的这些人。在发生紧急的或者戏剧性事件的时候,他们不去伸手援助——或者把手机真正地当成手机来使用——反而掏出手机开始拍视频,这难道不是一种很扭曲和反常的行为吗?在很多情况下,这些令人担忧的“摄像僵尸”也不会在拍摄的时候说一些安慰的话:在镜头后面的说话声会干扰突发事件现场的声音。
1. paradox: 悖论,自相矛盾的事物。
2. cultic: 膜拜的,狂热崇拜的。
3. cameo: 客串。
4. Pavlovian: // 巴甫洛夫条件反射的。巴甫洛夫(1849—1936),苏
5. perverse: 反常的,不当的。
6. fetish: (不正常的)迷恋,癖好。
7. wielder: 使用者,行使者,来自动词wield;thou: 古语的you;gawper:呆头呆脑地看……的人,来自动词gawp。
8. unmediated: 没有媒介的。
9. gig: 现场演唱会。
10. shove sth. in: 随便将……放在某处;squint: 眯着眼睛看。
11. ubiquitous: 普遍存在的,无处不在的;all and sundry: 全部,所有。
12. footage: 影片片段;surging: 骤增的,上涨的;surfeit: 过量。
13. oblique:(视线、角度)倾斜的;wobbly:摇摇晃晃的;tinny:(声音)尖细的,刺耳的。
14. flit: 掠过;fare:(尤指饭店或小餐馆的)饭菜,饮食。
15. per diem: 每天;paltry: 微不足道的。
16. privilege: 给予……特权。
17. fray: 冲突,争论。
18. warped: 反常的,扭曲的。
19. savour: 享用,细细品味。