The study of radical “金 gold” and “木wood”

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  【Abstract】The characters under the radical “金” and “木” in Shuowenjiezi and Xinhuazidian are taken as the research objects in the study. The research is focused on three aspects, including the importance of “金” and “木” in ancient Chinese culture, classification of the characters under radical “金” and “木” in the two dictionaries, changes and possible reasons occurred from Shuowenjiezi to Xinhuazidian.
  【Key words】Shuowenjiezi; Xinhuazidian; 金 radical; 木 radical; ancient Chinese culture
  【作者简介】Lu Ding-yi(1995-), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
  1. Comparison of the radicals in different aspects
  1.1 “金” and “木” in 五行
  Gold and wood are both important substances that exist in nature. There was a saying goes, “金能克木,木多金缺;木弱逢金,必为砍折”. This saying basically means that metal element can reduce and balance wood element. For example, cutting tools made of metal can saw trees. Moreover, the land with mines is not grassy.
  1.2 “金”and “木” in instruments
  In the Zhou Dynasty, China already had a classification method of musical instruments based on their different production materials, which were divided into eight categories, including gold, stone, silk, bamboo, gourd, pottery clay, leather, and wood. These eight materials are also known as “eight sounds”. For more than three thousand years from the end of Zhou Dynasty to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty, China has been using the “eight sounds” classification.
  As stated in Shuowenjiezi, “金,鐘镈也”, which means that characters pertain to the musical instruments made of metal will be under the gold radical, such as “钟” (bells), which prevailed during the Bronze Era. In ancient times, the bell was not only a musical instrument, but also a ceremonial symbol of status and power. In the various ceremonies or banquets, carillon music was extensively played for the nobles. The front drum and side drum of the bell can produce two frequency sounds. These two sounds are generally three-degree pitch intervals. There are also “錞”, etc., which are basically deformations of the “钟”.
  As stated in shuowenjiezi, “木,柷敔也”, which means that characters pertain to the musical instruments made of wood will be under the wood radical, such as “柷”. “柷” is an ancient percussion instrument, which was shaped like a square wooden box. Hitting its inner wall with a wood stick to make a sound indicates that the court sacred music is about to start. However, some characters pertain to musical instruments made of wood are not under the wood radical. For example, the ancient percussion instrument “敔”, which was shaped like an tiger and used for end of the court sacred music, is not under the wood radical.   As for the production of various stringed instruments that require wood, like “琴, 瑟,琵琶”,etc., actually belong to the silk category, because the strings in ancient times were all made of silk.
  1.3 “金” and “木” in torture equipment
  Torture equipment is used to punish criminals in accordance with the criminal law. Since human society has the special administrative authority “state”, various legal systems and legal norms have been established to safeguard the power of the ruling class and maintain social stability. And the punishment effect of the law on criminals is achieved through some specific torture instruments. In feudal society, the ruling class often uses many methods in order to maintain their ruling status, some of which are extremely cruel.
  There are many characters under radicals of gold and wood related to punishment and torture instruments. The corporal punishment was applied to mutilate criminals. Almost all corporal punishments have caused prisoners to become crippled or physically impaired. Physically and mentally, the prisoner had indelible wounds. For the purpose of corporal punishment, it was accepted to kill the criminals. Thus, there are more torture instruments made of metal than wood since metals are sharper and more lethal. As a result, the number of characters under the gold radical such as “鑿(鑿), 针, 钩, 鉴, 钳” is more than characters under the wood radical such as “杖, 棍, 板, 枷”. For the purpose of torture, which was used to intimidate the confession, criminals needed to stay alive. Thus, there are more torture instruments made of wood than metal. As a result, the number of characters under the wood radical such as “棍, 棒, 杖” is more than characters under the gold radical such as “钳”.
  1.4 “金” and “木” in farm tools
  Agriculture has always been regarded as the foundation of society in ancient China. In this case, not only were advanced agricultural methods improved, but also agricultural tools were developed. The growth of characters related to farming is mutually promoting with the development of agriculture.
  In the period of primitive agriculture, the materials of farm tools were mainly stone, bones and wood. The species of tools were divided into three categories: farming, harvesting and processing. People needed sharp tools to complete the operation of farming and harvesting so that the characters related to them were mostly in 金 radical, including “铲, 锄” “镰” and so on. In addition, people needed blunt tools for processing so that the characters related to processing were mainly in 石 and 木 radical, such as “磨, 棒”.
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【摘要】在态度系统的三个子系统的框架下,对艾丽丝· 门罗的文学作品《逃离》 进行了具体的分析和解读。研究发现评价理论更有利于挖掘作品的经典主题和人物性格。  【关键词】评价理论系统;态度系统;《逃离》  【作者简介】刘娜,中国石油大学(华东),外国语言文学专业,研一,研究方向:教学法。  引言  艾丽丝·门罗是加拿大著名女作家,短篇小说家,曾三次荣获加拿大最高文学奖项———总督奖,并在 2009
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【摘要】本文以一堂读后续写公开课为例,将思维导图与高中英语读后续写相结合,探索读后续写教学策略。实践证明,这样的教学策略能够帮助学生有效地进行读写融合,把握文章整体,更好地进行写作篇章思维训练,升华阅读,拓展思维,提高学生的语言综合表达能力。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语;读后续写  【作者简介】陈立,广东省东莞市第一中学。  一、 思维导图的定义和特点  思维导图通过中心词,以一种无穷无尽的分
The cognitive system of human beings is formed in the process of discovering, understanding and exploring the world. As a part of the cognitive system, taxonomic relations and thematic associations ar
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