The protection of music intangible cultural heritage is a brand new discourse and a mainstream discourse in the field of international cultural studies. Therefore, in the present context, it is the historic mission of every music teacher to consider how the object itself is viewed and transformed into a carrier that can be disseminated. An Introduction to the Introduction to the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Music is just the first one in China to address the need for the protection and popularization of music in intangible cultural heritage Textbook The book answers in detail several core propositions on the protection of musical intangible cultural heritage: why protection, what protection, how protection, who protection. For college students to build a basic knowledge of musical intangible cultural heritage protection framework, and for further study and research, direct participation in the protection of practice to provide action guide. The book in the compilation of teaching materials reflects the forward-looking and timely, rigorous and normative, practical and comprehensive unity.