[目的]通过对一起某工艺品厂发生的急性三氯甲烷中毒事故的调查分析,以引起相关企业和职业卫生监督机构的重视,采取有效的职业卫生防护措施,避免类似中毒事故再次发生。[方法]通过问卷形式,详细询问中毒病人的职业史、病史及就诊经过,查阅病人住院病历记录;对作业场所进行职业卫生学调查和职业卫生检测。[结果]作业场所三氯甲烷时间加权平均容许浓度(PC-TWA)为366.6~403.4 mg/m3,超标17.3~19.2倍;诊断为(三氯甲烷)急性重度中毒性肝病患者2名,急性中度中毒性肝病患者1名,急性轻度中毒性肝病患者1名。患者经护肝等对症治疗1个月后肝功能正常、症状好转出院。[结论]企业主管对三氯甲烷的危害性认识不足,未采取有效防护措施是导致本次中毒事故发生的主要原因。政府和相关企业应引起高度重视,加强对有毒物品的管理,采取有效的防治措施,保护劳动者的身体健康。
[Objective] Through the investigation and analysis of acute chloroform poisoning accident occurred in a handicraft factory, the relevant enterprises and occupational health supervision agencies should pay attention to it and adopt effective occupational health protection measures to prevent similar poisoning accidents from happening again. [Method] Through the form of questionnaire, the occupational history, medical history and treatment of poisoned patients were inquired in detail. The records of patient inpatient records were consulted. Occupational hygiene investigation and occupational health examination of workplaces were conducted. [Results] The time-weighted average allowable concentration of trichloromethane (PC-TWA) in the workplace was 366.6 ~ 403.4 mg / m3, exceeding the standard of 17.3-19.2. Two of the patients with acute severe toxic liver disease (CH4) were diagnosed as acute 1 degree of toxic liver disease patients, 1 acute mild toxic liver disease patients. Liver patients and other symptomatic treatment 1 month after normal liver function, symptoms improved discharge. [Conclusion] The supervisor of the enterprise did not know enough about the harmfulness of trichloromethane, and the main cause of this poisoning did not take effective protective measures. The government and related enterprises should attach great importance to strengthening the management of toxic substances and take effective prevention and control measures to protect the health of workers.