突发性聋(以下简称突聋)是一种原因不明的感音性聋,是以听觉障碍为主的疾患,据朴沢二郎报告,约有半数同时伴有眩晕和前庭一平衡障碍。此病来势凶猛,如Jaffe(1967)描述在24—48小时病情急速发展到最高峰;而Van Dishoeck形容其发病好象晴天霹雳,在1小时乃至1天或数天内臻于顶点。堀口(1953)把一周内进展的耳聋都归于斯,而渡边(1959)则认为应只限24小时内发展到顶点的才算突聋。然而从门诊病例来看,数日后病情严重才迫使就诊的屡见不鲜,据太田文彦统计发病当日或次日就诊者少于11%,三宅弘(1975)报告三日内来诊者不足16.2%。显然,大多数病例在病后数天才有明显症状或不见好转才迫不得已来诊,因而不能断然规定多少时间病情达最高峰来作为诊断依据。
Sudden deafness (hereinafter referred to as Sudden deafness) is a type of sensorial deafness of unknown cause. It is a disorder mainly caused by hearing impairment. According to Park Young Jiro, about half of them are accompanied by vertigo and vestibular balance disorder. The disease is ferocious, as Jaffe (1967) described the rapid progression to its peak in 24-48 hours; Van Dishoeck described it as a thunderbolt that culminated in an hour or days or days. Horiguchi (1953) attributed deafness to the progress of the week, while Watanabe (1959) considered that deafness should only be limited to the culmination of 24 hours. However, from outpatient cases, it was not uncommon for a few days later to seek medical treatment due to a serious illness. According to statistics published by OTA, less than 11% of patients were interviewed on the day or next day, and Miyake Hiroshi (1975) reported less than 16.2% of her clients in three days. Obviously, most cases have obvious symptoms or no improvement after a few days of illness, so they can not stipulate how much time to reach the peak as a basis for diagnosis.