一、充分认识西部大开发对加快宁夏自治区发展的极端重要性,切实发挥财政的引导、支持和保障作用 江总书记在去年11月中旬召开的中央经济工作会议上指出:要把西部大开发同实现第三步战略目标结合起来,把加快西部经济发展同促进社会进步结合起来,把开发同开放结合起来。西部大开发战略的实施为宁夏自治区抓住时机、加快发展创造了千载难逢的历史性机遇。自治区党委、政府已把西部大开发作为一项非常重要的工作摆到了突出位置,深入研究,精心部署,在全面审视区情的基础上,研究制定了
I. Fully Understanding the Importance of Western Development for Accelerating the Development of Ningxia Autonomous Region and Making Full Use of the Guidance, Support and Safeguarding Role of Finance Jiang Zemin pointed out at the Central Economic Work Conference held in mid-November last year: Realize the strategic goal of the third phase, combine the acceleration of economic development in the western region with the promotion of social progress, and combine development with opening up. The implementation of the strategy of developing the western region has created a historic historic opportunity for the Ningxia Autonomous Region to seize the opportunity and speed up its development. The party committees and governments in the autonomous region have put the development of the western region in a prominent position as an important task, conducted in-depth research and meticulously deployed them. On the basis of a comprehensive examination of the situation in the region, they have formulated