2002年 1月 15日,中华儿女海外交流促进会和日中青少年交流会组织“中国青年经营者访日视察团”赴日考察。今年是中日友好邦交正常化三十周年,日方对此活动定位较高,十分重视此次交流活勤。视察团(由中国蓝星集团总公司青年干部组成)一行16人对日本的东京、名古屋、京都、大阪等几个主要城市进行了为期十天的友好访问。
On January 15, 2002, the China Overseas Exchange Promotion Association for Children and Overseas Chinese and Japanese Youth Exchanges organized a visit to Japan by Chinese young operators to visit Japan. This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between China and Japan. The Japanese side has placed a high value on this event and attaches great importance to the exchange of hard work. The delegation of 16 (comprising young cadres from China National Bluestar Corporation) conducted a ten-day goodwill visit to several major cities in Japan such as Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto and Osaka.