大丽花,在欧洲人心目中是一种退华丽高贵的花卉,不但广为栽培,而且每年都有比赛,在这种竞争风气下,育出来许多品种,单是花型就可以分为十大类。 拿破仑的妻子约瑟芬最爱大丽花,她在巴黎效外的阿尔梅逊宫庭园里遍植大丽花,并且声称这是她的花,别人不得栽培。后来或许是园丁把球根盗卖给波兰贵族,波兰也流行起栽培大丽华的风气,约瑟芬知道以后非常生气,丛此再也不种大丽花了。 越南的一位年轻诗人——郭克泰(Quach Thoai),还写了一首描写大丽花的诗:“静静地伫立在篱笆前,你绽开了隽永的微笑,惊异于你的美,我一时无语,我听到你在吟唱,一首不知始于何时的歌,面对你,我深深地弯下了腰。” 早期日本人从欧洲引进大丽花时,称大丽化为“天竺牡丹”,把大丽花和牡丹相提关论,其尊贵可知了。
Dahlia, in the eyes of Europeans is a kind of beautiful flowers, not only widely cultivated, but also every year competition, in this competitive atmosphere, bred a lot of varieties, flowers alone can be divided into ten categories . Napoleon’s wife, Josephine, loved Dahlia the most, planting flowers of dahlias in the almaden palace gardens outside Paris, claiming it was her flowers, and not being cultivated by others. Later, perhaps the gardener steals the bulbs to the Polish aristocracy, and Poland has also become popular with the culture of cultivating Dahlia. Josephine knows that he will be very angry and will not plant Dahlia again. Quach Thoai, a young Vietnamese poet, also wrote a poem describing Dahlia: “Quietly standing in front of a fence, you bloom a meaningful smile, amazed at your beauty, I am silent for a time, I heard you singing, a song I do not know when it started, facing you, I bent down deeply. ”When the early Japanese introduced Dahlia from Europe, they called it a“ peony ” The dahlia and peony are related, its noble knowable.